Public software


You can download free versions of the following programs (for full versions see Order Form):

S-Bem60FW.exe  Program “Dimensioning” (Freeware) according to SIA, DIN, EN (F) and EN (UK)
Updates To the Bemessen software update page (tip: updates require full versions of the relevant software)


You can download the following updates:

Save the update in the folder where the software is located.

Bemessen programme according to SIA and DIN
updBem53.exe Upgrade to version 5.3 (5.0 must already be installed) – small corrections: German, French, English
Order form

MyElements App

The MyElements application provides additional services when using Schilliger products:

  • You can find the list of all Schilliger elements in a compact way on your smartphone. This makes it easier to check the material.
  • You can also find the construction plan. The object is visible as a 3D model and can be rotated and enlarged directly.
  • Every part whose label you scan appears in red on MyElements.

Note the pdf flyer for additional information and the QR codes to download the application for free.

Flyer application MyElements
